Speculative design
Pulse of the Collective
In the interactive installation ‘Pulse of the Collective,’ you, as a visitor, communicate with an exceptionally intelligent being: the slime mold. Originating from decaying organic material, the slime mold forms the ‘meeting point’ between humans, nature, and technology. Inspired by research where slime molds mimic complex systems, the project shows how technology can connect us to nature. Using modern technology, she shapes the similarities between humans and nature and the bond that has always existed but is repeatedly forgotten.
Through sensors, your breathing in this installation influences the growth pattern of the slime mold, which is made visible through visualizations. Interact with the slime mold and each other, and be fascinated by this symbiotic experience and the potential of nature.
Ilya’s contribution to Dinke’s graduation project, is being part of the design proces, helping the the soft and hardware side of the project. Using Arduino, Max MSP to sonify the slime mold.
An Illuminating Breath
Hoe wij de natuur behandelen reflecteert hoe we onszelf behandelen.
A luminescent Breath is een interactieve audiovisuele installatie, waarbij je lucht uitwisselt met lichtgevende algen. Het licht van de algen wordt in geluid omgezet door een digitale synth aan te sturen, doormiddel van sensordata. Deze ervaring is bedoeld om men te laten nadenken over hoe we ons verhouden ten opzichte van de natuur, door herinnert te worden aan het feit dat wij deel zijn van de natuur.
Voor verder onderzoek: LINK
How we treat nature reflects how we treat ourselves.
A luminescent Breath is an interactive audiovisual installation in which you exchange air with luminous algae. The light from the algae is sonified by controlling a digital synthesizer using sensor data. This experience is intended to make people think about how we relate to nature, by being reminded that we are part of nature.
For further research: LINK
Fungal symbiosis
The purpose of Fungal Symbiosis, is to create more connection with oneself, others and nature. The growing mycelium visualises breathing in and out by expanding and contracting. The variable colour and width of the mycelium will be affected by the breathing frequency. Up to 6 participants can sync their breathing with each other, in order to match up those variables. This way you will have an interaction between all of the participants, who are together connecting to nature. This can also motivate each other to stay focussed on the meditation. It’s supposed to start a conversation about our current ways of living, and how we view the world, without forcing any particular view on the participants. Humans should be able to make up their own minds about how to treat nature and themselves justly, they just need a nudge in the right direction, in this case in the form of empathy.
You can find further research HERE
This artwork has been redesigned for the ArtTechTour 2023.
Un_CTRL (SPacemakers)
Theme: A Matter of Freedom
We live in a free democracy. That means we are free to make our own choices. We decide where we live, what work we do and who we vote for. But does that also mean that we are truly free? And what does that really mean? This year, six young people teamed up with KatPatat to find their true freedom.
In Ilya’s opinion, freedom is…letting go of everything. It’s being able to detach from thoughts, ideas, emotions, things, people, your body and even your own dreams and desires. This true detachment is only attainable by those who can let go of even this desire. Only when every desire is let go can you live a free life, full of happiness and peace. This is not something you can force, its something you learn to allow to happen.
Spacemakers x KatPatat presented their project UN>CTRL at the Hof van Carthesius in Utrecht and the STRP festival 2024. During the expo, we invited visitors to reflect on the interaction between control and freedom. While visiting the installation, we invite visitors to search for the balance between freedom and control themselves.
The Project exists of a big open aquarium filled with Oobleck (a mix of water and cornstarch). This is a non-newtonian fluid which makes it act in a strange way. It is a liquid until force is applied. This makes it the perfect metaphor to explore the topic of freedom. You can’t force freedom, only when you let go of control, it is something that arises. As an additional layer of interaction there are bubbles that follow your hands, projected on the oobleck, this encourages playfulness. Furthermore the oobleck is made into a touch sensor, sending sensor data, used to play a synthesizer.
Next to the aquarium there is a big subwoofer that, with the right frequency, makes the oobleck seem to come alive!
My role in the project was taking the view of freedom and turning it into an interactive installation. I worked on desinging the aquarium, the interactive audio installation and the subwoofer that moves the Oobleck.
Herbarium (SPacemakers)
Om onze band met de natuur te herstellen moeten we elkaars taal gaan spreken. In dit werk stellen we een nieuwe manier voor om te communiceren en te interacteren met planten. Dit wordt gedaan door gebruik te maken van sensoren, microcontrollers en synthesizers om muziek te maken, samen met de planten. De planten reageren op je aanraking en zelfs als je in de buurt komt. Dit laat zien dat planten leven en reageren op hun omgeving.
Origineel gemaakt in samenwerking met het educatieprogramma van STRP Spacemakers. Sinds dien geëxposeerd op het STRP festival 2023, 3 keer op Night of the Nerds en 3 maanden in Arnhem bij de AI parade.